How it Works
Church provides hymn/liturgy selections about a week in advance
Mary-Jo records the musical accompaniments as specified on her Yamaha P515 digital keyboard, using either piano or organ sound
Mary-Jo makes recordings available as digital audio files on Dropbox, Google Drive or similar file sharing service
Church downloads audio files to a USB memory stick or device such as a phone, tablet or laptop
On Sunday morning, church plays back audio files on their sound system, keyboard, or even a Bluetooth speaker

​What the church requires is the means of playing back the audio files at a loud enough volume to accompany congregational singing, and someone who is willing to do the work of downloading the music each week. If the church has Wifi, the files can even be played directly on a device from Dropbox or Google Drive without downloading.

“We have enjoyed Mary-Jo’s recordings for our services for a few months now, she was our church organist prior to that. She is flexible and very punctual in sending us the file for our services by Dropbox. She set up the account and provided the training to ensure we could easily access the music, including a prelude. It takes ten minutes at the most to download the music to a USB key which we load on our electronic piano on Sunday mornings. Once the music is loaded, it is as easy as pushing PLAY, and NEXT!
Working with Mary-Jo is a pleasure and the end result is seamless. We have a highly-qualified musician supporting our worship and we are so grateful.”
Annette, choir member - South Dundas Lutheran, Williamsburg, Ontario